+ 49 (0) 173 736 666 0 info@rasch-gmbh.de

About Us

Our Story

Development of Rasch GmbH

We specialize in the import & export of commercial goods in the international area. Rasch GmbH looks after its clients worldwide, beyond the EU.

In addition to companies from Europe and Turkey, our portfolio also includes other companies from the Middle East. We have partners from different areas and have been able to gain experience with factory machines for production, for processing food, as well as medical devices.

We have been looking after clients in the following areas since the beginning:

• Processing of purchases & sales
• financial security as a guarantee for goods
• Plan production lines
• Set up production plans
• International distribution of goods

Our last Years

2014 was the Kick-Off…


We were founded a few years ago. On this day we laid the foundation for our work today.

  • New Partners
  • 1.5B Investment Milestone Set
  • Full-fledged team recruit
  • New Branch at Delhi


Success prevails!

We were able to achieve several milestones within the first 5 years.



We look to the future!

After years of success, we would like to tackle several projects in the coming years.

We support companies in the production and distribution of industrial machines

In addition to import & export, we are also at our partners’ side in setting up & production with years of experience and a worldwide network.

Factory – Production

We know our way around the international market for industrial machines of all kinds. For years we have been supporting partners in the purchase and sale of factory machines for well-known production lines.

In addition to handling sales with appropriate financial security, we have experience in planning and setting up entire production lines.


In addition to production, we offer you specialist knowledge in the global food trade. If you are interested, we will be happy to refer you to our global partners and take care of your request as a contact person until the contract is concluded.

We provide our clients with long-term partnerships, both for food concentrates and for premium products.

Rasch GmbH, since 2014.

You get professional, human and goal-oriented support in all of your projects. As a partner, you have a direct contact person whom you can rely on at all times. We offer you service & strategy from experts and the support of a competent team.