+ 49 (0) 173 736 666 0 info@rasch-gmbh.de

Are you a Seller?


Make a non-binding inquiry

For optimal advice, send us a written request by email. Describe in detail in your request what you want to sell and in what quantity!

We will get back to you personally for an initial meeting in the shortest possible time. We clarify the background of the sale with you and determine the further course of our discussions with you.



In further discussions, we discuss a common approach and define a strategy for the sale.

You tell us your expectations and we will find a solution!



We plan the sales process in close consultation with our clients.

Our broad network of service providers is of course at your disposal.



In order to guarantee you a successful sale, we look after your project around the clock. If you want, we can also handle individual steps independently on your behalf, because we want to offer you the best service!

Our Service

To be successful, you have to have a plan. We would like to share our experience with our partners!


Common Projects

We consider our work in import and export with our clients as joint projects. That is why we all make our decisions in close consultation and in the common interest.

Direct Contact

Your personal contact

In order to be able to guarantee a close cooperation, you will have a personal contact person who will be at your side to support you and your project at any time.


Celebrate long-term success

Both sides benefit from honest cooperation. We have had good experience of working together on successful projects over the long term.

Rasch GmbH, since 2014.

You get professional, human and goal-oriented support in all of your projects. As a partner, you have a direct contact person whom you can rely on at all times. We offer you service & strategy from experts and the support of a competent team.


Rasch GmbH
